Yuki Takahashi

Welcome to my website. I am a postdoctoral researcher at Tilburg University.

I am an applied microeconomist working in the areas of Behavioral Economics, Gender Economics, and Labor Economics. My research examines how psychological factors and institutions affect individual and group behaviors using experimental and observational data.

I received my PhD in Economics from the University of Bologna in July 2022. I am non-binary (pronoun: they/them). You can find my CV here.

Email: y.takahashi@uvt.nl
Twitter: @yukitakahashi11

Yuki Takahashi

Working papers

Dislike Being Corrected? Corrections and Gender in Collaborative Work, submitted Abstract
Awards: Runner Up Paper Prize at the Annual Southern PhD Economics Conference 2021, Runner-up Award at the 24th Moriguchi Prize Competition

The Effect of Decriminalization of Light Intimate Partner Violence on Married Women's Wellbeing, submitted Abstract

Are Men Less Generous to a Smarter Woman?, R&R Abstract

Work in progress

Attention Discrimination in Performance Evaluation (with Jan Hausfeld and Boris van Leeuwen)

Are Men Driving Away Women from STEM Fields? (with Chihiro Inoue and Asumi Saito)

Curriculum Reform and Female Students' Major Choice (with Dede Long)

EMOSKILLS (with Sota Ichiba, Boris van Leeuwen, and Jeroen van de Ven)